< Workbook Lesson 14B—Имя Бога (Part 1)

Workbook Lesson 14B—Имя Бога (Part 1)

Student's Name: _____________________________


1) Pick a specific color pen or pencil that you will designate as a “First Attempt” color. Translate, using that color, as many of the words as you can in the blanks provided without using any reference materials.

2) Use your “First Attempt” color pen or pencil to answer as many of the questions throughout the essay as well. Again, do not use any reference materials.

3) Now choose a completely different color pen or pencil to fill in the rest of the blanks and this time using a dictionary, language generators.


1) Как _____ прославится__________ имя ________ Бога ___________
Q: In the phrase “имя Бога”, what case is the word Бога declined into? _____________

2) У____ ка́ждого________ есть_____ и́мя_________.

3) У____ Бо́га______ то́же_____ есть_____ и́мя_______.

4) Бо́га______ зову́т________ Иего́ва__________.
Q: What case is the word Бога declined into? _____________

5) У____ Бо́га______ есть_____ сын_______.

6) Сы́на______Бо́га ______зову́т_______ Иису́с_________.
Q: What case is the word Сы́на declined into? _____________
Q: What case is the word Бога declined into? _____________

7) Бог _____ Иего́ва ________ хо́чет _______ что́бы __________ мы____ приближа́лись ____________ к ___ нему́ _________че́рез ________ его́ _____ сы́на ________.
Q: What case is the word нему́ declined into? ____________
Q: What case is the phrase “его́ сы́на” declined into? __________

8) Мно́го _______ лет ______ тому́ ________ наза́д_________ Бог _______ посла́л _______ своего́ ______ сы́на _____ на ____ Зе́млю ______ к _____ лю́дям ____________.
Q: What does the phrase “на Зе́млю” mean? __________________
Q: What case is the word людям declined into? ______________________

9) Иису́с______ прожи́л ______ на ___ Земле́ ______ три́дцать три ________ го́да ________.
Q: What does the phrase “на Земле́” mean? __________________
Q: Why was the word го́да, as opposed to год or лет, used in this sentence

10) Иису́с _______ мно́го _______ расска́зывал _________ о _____ своём __________ отце́ _____ и ____ о ______ его́ _____ свято́м ________ и́мени _______.
Q: What case are the phrases “своём отце́ “ and “свято́м и́мени” declined into? ________________

11) Тогда́ _______ Иису́с ________ отдал _______ свою́ ______ жизнь _______ за ____ нас _____.
Q: Why is the word свою́ (accusative masculine singular) used as opposed to the word его́?

12) Его́ _______ казни́ли __________.
Q: What case is the word Его declined into? _____________
Q: Who did the action in this sentence? ______________