< Grammar 21—Dates

Grammar 21—Dates

In English there are a few different ways of reading dates. Take this date for example:

July 28, 1914

We might read it like this:

July twenty eight, nineteen fourteen

But, in a governor's proclamation or other official document it might be written out in words like this:

the twentieth eight of July of the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred fourteen

With the exception of the “of our Lord” part, this is the way you should read dates out loud in Russian. For example if you see:

28 июля 1914 г.

You should say:

двадцать восьмое июля тысяча десять сот четырнадцатого года

Notice the following important points:

As stated above, the day of the month must be declined to reflect the role of the date in the sentence. For example:

Первая мировая война шла с двадцать восьмого юля тысяча девять сот четырнадцатого года по ноябрь тысяча девять сот восемнадцатого года.
The First World War ran from the twenty eight of July of the one thousand nine hundred fourteenth year to November of the one thousand nine hundred eighteenth year.

When we used imprecise dates such as “November 1918” in the example above, the most precise remaining part is what we decline to fit the sentence. For example:

Русский класс шёл с октября две тысячи тринадцатого года по февраль две тысячи четырнадцатого года.
The Russian class ran from October of the year two thousand thirteen to February of the year two thousand fourteen.

Or if only the year is stated:

Первая мировая война шла с тысяча девять сот четырнадцатого года по тысяча девять сот восемнадцатый год.
The First World War ran from the one thousand nine hundred fourteenth year to the one thousand nine hundred eighteenth year.