< Reading 9—Жизнь—чудесный дар

Reading 9—Жизнь—чудесный дар

This reading assignment is to learn the Russian version of the song The Miracle of Life, song number 141 from Sing out Joyfully to Jehovah. With the help of the vocabulary printed below try to understand how the ideas are expressed in Russian. Some of the examples are different from what is in the English version.

Once you have figured out the meaning of the text, practice singing it so we can sing it together in class.

The Title

The title in Russian is “Жизнь—чудесный дар”. Word-for-word this means “Life is a marvelous gift”. The dash stands for the word “есть” (is) which is often omitted in Russian.

Verse One

The first verse begins with with the word “каждый(each) followed by a list of marvelous things:

новый день—new day

капелька дождяlittle drop of rain. The word “капле” (drop) has been turned into “little drop” by adding the diminutive ending -ка. The word “дождь” (rain) has been turned into “of rain” by changing the ending.

лучик солнцаlittle ray of sun. The world “луч” (ray) has been turned into “little ray” by adding the diminutive ending -ик. The world “солнце” (sun) has been turned into “of sun” by changing the ending.

стебелёк—diminutive of стебель, stalk

горстка зернаlittle handful of grain. From “горсть(handful) and “зерно” (grain)

Творец чудесThe Creator of marvels. From “чудеса” (a miracle or wonder)

Им—by means of Him. The instrumental form of “он” (he).

живёмwe live. The pronoun “мы” (we) is implied.

наш отецour father

Verse Two


можетmight, could

руки опустить—to lower the hands (to give up, to stop trying)

надежду потеряв—надежда is hope. Потеряв is a form of the verb “потереть” (to lose).

смерти просить—Смерть is death. Просить means to make a request. Having given up and lost hope the person asks for death.

Мы же сознаём—we recognize. From “сознавать” (to be recognizing). The word “жеemphasizes the word “мы” (we) creating a contrast.

за подарок—in response to the present. A form of the wordдар” (gift) used in the title of the song.

The Chorus

самый дивный дарthe most marvelous gift. Дивный means “provoking astonishment and wonder”.

ты её цениValue life! Literally “thou her value”. Here “её” (her) refers to жизнь (life).

миг—a moment

наслаждаться—to enjoy an experience

Бога люби—love (command form, ты implied) God

Усердьем и трудом её не заслужишьУсердие is earnest effort. Труд is hard work. The endings have been changed so that they mean “by earnest effort” and “by hard work”. Заслужить means to earn a reward. Here it is in the “ты” form, literally “thou can’st not earn”.

с небес—from the heavens