< Vocabulary 8—Places and Institutions in the USA

Vocabulary 8—Places and Institutions in the USA

Most of the names listed below are taken from Katzner’s dictionary, Russian literature, the BBC's Russian website <http://www.bbc.co.uk/russian/>, and the Watchtower. Some are taken from Wikipedia or from the blogs and on-line photo albums of visitors to the USA. Care was taken when consulting amateur sources since they frequently contradict one another or contain obvious errors.

Map of USAStates of the USA

English NameRussian NameRussian Adjective
New YorkНью-Йоркнью-йоркский
Rhode IslandРод-Айлендрод-айлендский
West VirginiaЗападная Виргиния

Note that cardinal directions (North, South, etc.) in place names are translated into Russian.

Cities and Towns and Their Major Subdivisions

English NameRussian NameRussian Adjective
New YorkНью-Йоркнью-йоркский
West SpringfieldЗападный спрингфилдуэст-спрингфилдский
New Haven


Нью-Га́вен (archaic)


нью-га́венский (archaic)

QueensКвинсквинский (poorly attested)
Brighton BeachБрайтон-Бичбрайтон-бичcкий
Coney IslandКони-Айлендкони-айлендский


JFK AirportАэропорт имени Джона Кеннеди
La Guardia AirportАэропорт имени Ла-Гуардии*
Los Angeles AirportАэропорт Лос-Анджелеса

*La Guardia Airport is frequently but incorrectly referred to as “Аэропорт Ла-Гуардия” by writers who are apparently unaware that it is named in honor of former New York City mayor Fiorello La Guardia.

Cover of "Пираты Гудзоновой реки"Natural Features

English NameRussian NameRussian Adjective
Atlantic OceanАтлантический океанатлантический
Pacific OceanТихий океантихоокеанский
Gulf of MexicoМексиканский залив
Cape CodeКейп-Код (Мыс трески)
Long IslandЛонг-Айландлонг-Айландский
Long Island SoundЛонг-Айландский залив
Connecticut Riverрека Коннектикут*
Hudson RiverГудзонова река**гудзонский
Westfield RiverУэстфидлская река***

*Connecticut is the name of the river itself. The State of Connecticut came later.

**Гудзонова река means “Hudson's River”. A common error is to refer to the river as “река Гудзон” as if it were Henry Hudson himself.

***The word “Westfield” in “Westfield River” is a noun used as an adjective. It is translated into Russian using an actual adjective to indicate that it is a river which goes through Westfield rather than a river named Westfield.


University of Massachusetts Массачусетский университет
University of Connecticut Коннектикутский университет
MITМассачусетский технологический институт
Westfield State University Уэстфидлский университет штата
University of CaliforniaКалифорнийский университет
University of California at Berkeley Калифорнийский университет при Беркли

Other Landmarks

Brooklyn BridgeБруклинский мост
Central ParkЦентральный парк
Verrazano Bridgeмост [имени] Верраццано*
George Washington Bridgeмост [имени] Джорджа Вашингтона
Whitestone BridgeУайтстонский мост

*The Verrazono bridge is named for Giovanni de Verrazano who was the first European to enter New York Harbor and the Hudson River. Верраццано is the Russian spelling of his surname. It is indeclinable.

Government Organizations

White HouseБелый дом
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Федеральное бюро расследований (ФБР)
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Центральное разведывательное управление (ЦРУ)
National Security Agency (NSA) Агентство национальной безопасности (АНБ)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Налоговое управление США
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Министерство внутренней безопасности