< Phrasebook 12—Letter Writing

Phrasebook 12Letter Writing

Russian letters are generally similar to English letters. They have the same basic elements:

  1. Sender’s address and date
  2. Greeting
  3. Body
  4. Closing and signature

But there are two important differences:

  1. Strangers and people who are not closed friends should never be addressed as “dear”.
  2. In English we begin with a topic sentence and then follow with supporting facts. In Russian the facts come first with the topic sentence as the conclusion.



Уважаемый Иван Иванович—Respected Ivan Ivanovich

Дорогой Саша—Dear Sasha (only between close friends)


извещаю вас—please me informed

к настоящему письму прилагается—enclosed please find


С уважением—Respectfully

С любовью—Love

Sample Note to Leave if Someone on your Magazine Route is not at Home

Здра́вствуйте! Э́то __________. Я не заста́л(а) вас до́ма. Я принёс/принесла́ вам но́вые журна́лы. Хочу́ подели́ться с ва́ми стихо́м из _____________. Наде́юсь ско́ро вас ви́деть. Greetings! This is ____________. I did not find you at home. I have brought you new magazines. I would like to share with you the verse at ___________. I hope to see you soon.